Gentle Parenting Bibliography

Some of the books I and people in my circle have found helpful (in the order I thought of them while typing this):

You can find these books and more on the “Parenting” shelf of my Goodreads profile.

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, 8th Edition by Diane Wiessinger, Diana West, and Teresa Pitman (yes, it’s a breastfeeding book, but it was my introduction to gentle parenting (well, the 7th edition was, but this one’s new and improved). I still go back to it for encouragement)

Becoming the Parent You Want to Be by Laura Davis and Janis Keyser

Positive Discipline by Jane Nelsen

Positive Discipline for Preschoolers by Jane Nelsen

Respectful Parents, Respectful Kids by Sue Hart

Growing a Girl by Barbara Mackoff

Unconditional Parenting by Alfie Kohn

Punished by Rewards by Alfie Kohn

Parenting from the Inside Out by Daniel Siegel and Mary Hartzell

How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and How to Listen so Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

Siblings Without Rivalry by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

Hold Onto Your Kids by Gordon Neufield and Gabor Mate

Adventures in Gentle Discipline by Hilary  Flower

The Discipline Book by William and Martha Sears

Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg

Our Babies Ourselves by Meredith Small

What are some of your favorite gentle parenting books? Let me know, and I’ll add them to the list.

5 Replies to “Gentle Parenting Bibliography”

  1. Thanks for this helpful list and your post about the spankout. We’re not big spankers, but our family has a lot of conflict and so I’m working on this.


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