Sisters Book Club January Selection: Free Choice!

For January, my sister and I are leaving the book selection up to you!

This could be our very clever and well reasoned plan to help liven up the conversation and introduce us all to some new books. Or maybe we’re just fatigued after Ulysses and are playing catch-up with our other books.

Whichever it is, read whatever you want in January and then come back here and let us know what you think!

I’m going to finish City of God by St. Augustine and then I’m going to read one or more of the six library books my spouse got for me for Christmas. I’ll just pick one out of the stack when I’m done with City of God. I also want to read one more classic. Maybe Dickens’ Oliver Twist or Augustine’s The Confessions. Or maybe I’ll stick with the modernist theme from Ulysses and read Wolfe’s Mrs. Dalloway or Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. I’d better decide quick, though; January promises to rush by just as fast as every other month.

So…what are you planning to read in January?

4 Replies to “Sisters Book Club January Selection: Free Choice!”

  1. I may re-read Gatsby too – my plan for the year is to read more American fiction, since I’m woefully ignorant of it in general, and a re-read of something I love would be a nice gentle start. But the book I’m most looking forward to in January is Rohinton Mistry’s ‘A Fine Balance’ – whenever I mention how much I love Aravind Adiga’s writing, someone is bound to mention Mistry, so time to see if I agree with the comparison. Happy New Year!


    1. A Fine Balance looks really interesting! I’d not heard of it before, but I might have to put it on my to-read list…

      It sounds like we might have an impromptu Gatsby read-along! What fun!


  2. Toying with the idea of re-reading The Great Gatsby if you’re reading it. I know you’re not fond of it, but it’s one of my all-time favorite novels (probably because I was one of the only people in my High School English class who “got it” — teacher thought I was a rock star) and I’d love to discuss it with you.


    1. That would be fun! After my relative success with Ulysses, I’m curious to see if my dislike of modernist lit may have been turned around entirely. I think I’ll go ahead and put that down as my classic for January. Happy New Year!


Your turn! What's on your mind?