2022: My Year in Books

This year was a more adventurous year than I’ve had since 2019. My family traveled for three weeks this summer (two weeks road tripping through western states hiking in high altitude national parks and visiting friends, one week in Tennessee and North Carolina visiting family and hiking in a slightly lower altitude mountain national park) and both of my kids went to summer camp. This year we also moved to a new neighborhood, I finished my first year of teaching and started my second, and although we ended to year with colds, only one of us caught covid (at summer camp).

This year also involved a shift in how my kids homeschool. My elder child has been taking primarily online and dual enrollment courses, so not much change there, but my younger child made the shift from our usual Build Your Library in the spring and summer to almost entirely outsourced classes in the fall. This meant that I had a lot less direct involvement in his day-to-day education, but it freed me up to read a lot more of the books I chose for myself, which was kind of a nice treat.

The books I chose for myself in 2022 turned out to be a lot of mysteries and thrillers. I stumbled upon Michael Connelly’s Harry Bosch series and quickly felt compelled to read Connelly’s entire oeuvre. As of this writing, I’m only a few books from being all caught up (until he releases another).

2022 was also the Year of the Audiobook for me. Much of the time I found myself too restless or too much in the car to read with my eyes, so audiobooks allowed me to keep enjoying books while doing household chores or driving around the county.

They also allowed me to surpass my 100-book goal pretty handily.

You can see the full list of titles by visiting my profile on TheStoryGraph, but my stats are below (not including the 6 books I DNFed):

Number of books read: 173

Average books per week: 3.33

Average books per day: 0.47

Pages read for the year: 55,197

Average pages per day: 151.22

Pretty Charts:

My Top Twelve Reads for 2022:

And that’s my reading for 2022.

For 2023, my reading plan is more of the same, although with my elder child’s shift to college and my younger child’s shift to high school in the fall and the addition of more responsibilities for me at work, I might have to modify my reading expectations partway through the year. I’m sure I’ll feel grouchy about that at first, but I expect I’ll adjust quickly.

I hope that your 2022 Year in Books was pleasant and that 2023 brings you many welcome adventures, both bookish and otherwise.

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